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What Is Bitcoin and Is It a wise investment?
What Is Bitcoin and Is It a wise investment?
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Bitcoin (BTC) is a new kind of digital currency-with cryptographic keys-that is decentralized to some network of computers utilized by users and miners around the globe and is not controlled by a single organization or government. It does not take first digital cryptocurrency which includes gained the public's attention and is accepted by a growing amount of merchants. Like other currencies, users are able to use the digital currency to purchase goods and services online plus some physical stores that accept it as being a form of payment. Currency traders may also trade Bitcoins in Bitcoin exchanges.
There are numerous major differences between Bitcoin and traditional currencies (e.g. U.S. dollar):
- Bitcoin doesn't have a centralized authority or clearing house (e.g. government, central bank, MasterCard or Visa network). The peer-to-peer payment network is managed by users and miners worldwide. The currency is anonymously transferred directly between users online without going through a clearing house. Which means transaction fees are much lower.
- Bitcoin is created by having a process called "Bitcoin mining". Miners around the globe use mining software and computers to resolve complex bitcoin algorithms also to approve Bitcoin transactions. They're awarded with transaction fees and new Bitcoins generated from solving Bitcoin algorithms.
- There is really a limited amount of Bitcoins in circulation. As outlined by Blockchain, there were about 12.1 million in circulation at the time of Dec. 20, 2013. The issue to mine Bitcoins (solve algorithms) becomes harder fat loss Bitcoins are generated, along with the maximum amount in circulation is limited to 21 million. The limit are not reached until approximately the entire year 2140. This makes Bitcoins more valuable fat loss people use them.
- A public ledger called 'Blockchain' records all Bitcoin transactions and shows each Bitcoin owner's respective holdings. Anyone can access the public ledger to confirm transactions. This makes digital currency more transparent and predictable. More importantly, the transparency prevents fraud and double spending the exact same Bitcoins.
- The digital currency can be had through Bitcoin mining or Bitcoin exchanges.
- The digital currency is accepted with a limited number of merchants on the internet and in some brick-and-mortar retailers.
- Bitcoin wallets (similar to PayPal accounts) are used for storing Bitcoins, private keys and public addresses and for anonymously transferring Bitcoins between users.
- Bitcoins are certainly not insured and are not paid by government agencies. Hence, they won't be recovered when the secret keys are stolen by a hacker or lost to a failed hard drive, or due to closure of a Bitcoin exchange. In the event the secret keys are lost, the associated Bitcoins is not recovered and can be out of circulation. Visit this link for an FAQ on Bitcoins.
I have faith that Bitcoin will gain more acceptance in the public because users usually stay anonymous while buying products and services online, transactions fees tend to be lower than credit card payment networks; the public ledger is accessible by anyone, which you can use to prevent fraud; the currency supply is limited to 21 million, as well as the payment network is operated by users and miners rather than a central authority.
However, I would not think that it is a great investment vehicle because it's extremely volatile and isn't very stable. By way of example, the bitcoin price grew from around $14 into a peak of $1,200 USD this year before dropping to $632 per BTC before writing.
Bitcoin surged in 2010 because investors speculated that the currency would gain wider acceptance and that it would increase in price. The currency plunged 50% in December because BTC China (China's largest Bitcoin operator) announced that it could no longer accept new deposits due to government regulations. And as outlined by Bloomberg, the Chinese central bank barred finance institutions and payment companies from handling bitcoin transactions.
Bitcoin may gain more public acceptance over time, but its price is extremely volatile and intensely sensitive to news-such as government regulations and restrictions-that could negatively change up the currency.
Therefore, I wouldn't suggest investors to purchase Bitcoins unless they were purchased at a less than $10 USD per BTC because this would allow for a larger margin of safety.
Otherwise, I have faith that it is much better to purchase stocks that have strong fundamentals, as well as great business prospects and management teams for the reason that underlying companies have intrinsic values and therefore are more predictable.
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